
    Canva is a design platform where you can access many things like graphics, presentations, posters, and visual content. You can use ready-made templates and customize them however you want, or you can create your own custom templates. 

    I have an assignment which I will be sharing with you below. For that assingment I and my three teammates worked together. We needed to find a material and adapt it to be able to use in online environment. So we chose Canva. 

    In the picture above, there is a video record place on the presentation. Online lessons are generally boring for students. When it comes to language and reading skills it becomes much more boring. Based on this idea, we decided to use this feature of canva. In this way, we can produce our students materials that they can use even when they study alone. 

    All you need to do is to record yourself according to the material you use, and then send it tol your students or use it in your lessons. 
