Today, I am back here with not just a website or an application but with a software. I'm sure many of you have heard of the "learning management system". However; almost no one knows what this is or what it does. Let's take a look at what LMS is.

    Unlike ordinary training methods, LMS is a web software that enables distance education. It is widely used to disseminate online training initiatives, to systematize them, to track and report them.

    As a teacher, using LMS is actually impactful. You can use an LMS to make your teaching less stressful. You can keep information about your students and courses in one place. You can also file your grades and assignments.
   It is also perfect for communicating interactively between student and teacher. Teachers are mostly used to monitor the trainee's performance and measure the person's progress with a system of evaluation and validation.

Here are the most used LMSs;
-WP Courseware
You can find detailed information about "Edmodo" in my blog. I also have a class and a mini quiz in it. You can check it from the link below.

Now let me give you a little information about one of these LMSs;


    Moodle is a learning management system provided to educators around the world. It is almost the most used LMS thanks to its completely free nature.     You can open a class for yourself with Moodle teacher login. Thanks to a little code you give to your students, you can gather all your students in that class and continue your education process as you wish.     You can give feedback to your students on their homework, create and upload exams and quizzes. In your Timeline, you can share small messages that will remind your students about the exam dates, the deadline for the assignment, or the topic of the next lesson.

Hope you enjoyed it. So, what are you waiting for? Go and get your own account.
Thanks for reading
