Hello again!

I'm here today with an excellent application. Flipgrid.

Flipgrid is much different from the apps I have mentioned so far. Until now, we've mostly talked about teacher-centered software, this time it's one that more students consider.

Teachers can easily send homework and ask questions to their students. Shares are called "grid". Each grid has its own code. Teachers can share these codes with anyone they want to see the question.

The most striking and attractive point of the application is that you can share both questions and answers with videos upon your request. In other words, if you want to make sure that your students answered a question by themselves or did not read it somewhere, you can ask them to video their answers.

Since I am an education blog, I generally evaluate my posts in a teacher-student relationship and talk about the contributions they can provide to the education process. But you don't have to use it as a teacher. You can save your question about your wish or any discussion topic you are curious about, share the code with the people you want and wait for them to answer your question.

What are you thinking?

Isn't it much more fun than usual?

I am waiting for your thoughts in the comments...
