One of the most important things in language learning is to practice. Any information that is not repeated is easily forgotten. However, it is boring for us to do review just like studying. Today I want to talk about a great application that will make it more fun and make it easier for both teachers and students. It is Quizlet. Since ancient times, they say that the most effective way to learn vocabulary is to write the words in a notebook many times, then open them and read them over and over again. However, since the idea of creating a handwritten notebook is very boring and tiring for everyone, they do not tend to this method much. therefore we are looking for another way to memorize words. This is where the quizlet comes into play. In the application, you can create a word book ourselves and access our notebook whenever you need, from a computer, tablet or phone connected to the Internet. Unlike a handwritten notebook, you can also listen and read the words  here. Thanks to its easy accessibility, students can work on the bus, during breaks, during meals or whenever they want to open and work. Thanks to this ease and turning learning into entertainment, it gives students a unique study enthusiasm and habits. Since there are six different ways of working in practice, there is no doubt that you will find a suitable shape for yourself. for example; cards. You can use these methods in different ways, depending on how you work better. If I say it simply; There are cards with two sides and you can write any word, sentence or a question you want to learn on one side and write the answer on the other face and make our vocabulary play. You can also add images that will make it easier for you to remember words. this app is not only for students. Teachers can create classes through the quizlet. They can add all their students to the class they have created and control their progress by giving them different activities and assignments. They see what is missing and turn more towards those areas. Or teachers can have their students play a game about those topics that he or she teach in the lesson to make them permanent. All they need to do is to choose a set and share the attendance code with their students.
